Found in this month's Vogue, these Marchesa lovelies, and I do mean the dresses, make me feel like ... I do. They are ethereal, delicate, dreamy. I imagine a long happy life would be granted to she who walked down the aisle in one of these creations. Oh, they aren't necessarily bridal, but it is what sparks me. I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that I watched the film Cold Mountain last night ... one of my favorite romantic stories. How can it not be as two souls keep each other in their hearts and look for one another for years without giving up, only to find each other if only for a moment. When Ada says to Inman, 'I will marry you, I will marry you, I will marry you, I will marry you ...' I hear heels click, a certain kind of magic, and the sense of doom that is bound to meet them. Oh, but if she were wearing one of these, I think, perhaps, it might make the loss a little less ...
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